5 Reasons Laundromats Are More Eco-Friendly

Neighborhood laundromats may not be as popular as they once were, but this doesn’t mean doing laundry has gone out of style. Everyone needs clean clothes, and getting the laundry done is still one of the most popular household chores.

When most people do this chore, they don’t concern themselves with how it affects the environment. They mainly focus on getting their clothing clean. While doing laundry at home and the laundromat have similar environmental effects, there are five reasons laundromats are more eco-friendly.

Groundwater Pollution

The water released by laundry machines contains chemicals that endanger the ground. The water seeps into the soil and pollutes the groundwater. These same chemicals are hazardous to humans and animals.

Wastewater from the laundry has the potential to pollute the entire water body. However, commercial laundromats don’t release residual water into lakes or other nearby bodies of water.

Responsible laundry services, such as Laundry Pop, take the proper and necessary steps to minimize laundry’s negative impacts on the environment.

Energy Consumption

You probably use more energy than necessary if you do your laundry consistently. Depending on the size of your household, you can go through possibly 8–10 loads of laundry a week. This process takes up your time, but it also increases your energy consumption.

Dryers use up more energy than washers do. Laundromats offer energy-efficient machines that consume less energy for washing and drying clothes.

Water Consumption

The amount of water needed for a load of laundry varies based on the machine and type of technology you use. At Laundry Pop, coin laundry in Los Angeles can handle a giant load of your clothing in one go. A regular washing machine requires about 40-gallons of water per load.

Excessive use of water can severely impact the environment, and the detergents used in the laundry can turn the water acidic. We use the most energy-efficient equipment in the city, making our washer and dryers top of the line.

Avoid Chemical Release

We’ve addressed it previously, but the laundry done in your home releases billions of chemicals into the wastewater. High-efficiency commercial laundry equipment uses less detergent, water, energy, and time to clean all your clothes.

The laundromat machines use high-efficiency detergent, which helps lower your carbon footprint.

Avoid Excessive Water Usage

While Laundromats provide you with machines that reduce the amount of water you need for your clothing, they offer other services that can entirely cut out the option. Dry cleaning services allow you to use less energy and not abuse water.

The service handles your clothing with extra care, and you don’t need to concern yourself with the amount of water you’ve used for each load or the overuse of energy when drying your clothes.

Visit our website and discover why laundromats are more eco-friendly and better overall.